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Chapter 1. Debt valuation: An alternative method to avoid future default (Thomas Poufinas and Evangelos Drimpetas)
Chapter 2. The impact of Quantitative Easing Policy on the government debt and the NPLs of the Eurozone periphery countries (Dionysios Chionis, Fotios Mitropoulos and Antonios Sarantidis)
Chapter 3. Tariffs and Debt (George Galanos, Thomas Poufinas and Charalampos Agiropoulos)
Chapter 4. The impact of demographics on the level of tariffs (James Chen, Thomas Poufinas, Charalampos Agiropoulos and George Galanos)
Chapter 5. Demographics as determinants of social security (James Chen, Thomas Poufinas, Charalampos Agiropoulos and George Galanos)
Chapter 6 Sovereign Debt and Social Security (Thomas Poufinas, George Galanos and Charalampos Agiropoulos)
Chapter 7. Debt versus Non-Performing Loans: An investigation on the causality direction within the countries of Eurozone (Charalampos Agiropoulos, George Galanos and Thomas Poufinas)
Chapter 8. What drives sovereign bond yields in the Eurozone? (Nicholas Apergis, Giuseppina Chesini and Thomas Poufinas).

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