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Synchronized Sequences
Continuants with equal values, a combinatorial approach
Quaternary n-cubes and Isometric Words
Strings from linear recurrences: a Gray code
String Theories involving Regular Membership Predicates: From Practice to Theory and Back
Binary cyclotomic polynomials: representation via words and algorithms
Computation of critical exponent in balanced sequences
The Range Automaton: An Efficient Approach to Text-Searching
A numeration system for Fibonacci-like Wang shifts
Perfectly clustering words are primitive positive elements of the free group
On Billaud Words and Their Companions
Counting ternary square-free words quickly
Doubled patterns with reversal are 3-avoidable
A characterization of binary morphisms generating Lyndon in finite words
Inside the Binary Reflected Gray Code: Flip-Swap Languages in 2-Gray Code Order
Equations over the k-binomial monoids.

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