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Data-Driven Platforms and Applications in Production and Logistics: Digital Twins and AI for Sustainability
Assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem with positional constraints
Design and Implementation of Digital Twin-Based Application for Global Manufacturing Enterprises
Exploring Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability Impact of Digital Twin-based Services for Smart Production Logistics
Applying Machine Learning for Adaptive Scheduling and Execution of Material Handling in Smart Production Logistics
When Softbots meet Digital Twins: Towards Supporting the Cognitive Operator 4.0
Regular Session: New Approaches for Routing Problem Solving
The Implementation of Eulerian Coverings of a Graph for Solving Routing Problems
An Exact Method for a Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Traffic Congestion
Investigating Alternative Routes for Employee Shuttle Services Arising in a Textile Company: A Comparative Study
Two variants of bi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem in Home (Health)-care fields
Inventory routing problem with transshipment and substitution for blood products using the case of the Belgian blood distribution
Regular Session: Improvement of Design and Operation of Manufacturing Systems
Improving manufacturing system design by instantiation of the Integrated Product, Process and Manufacturing System development reference framework
A formal skill model facilitating the design and operation of flexible assembly workstations
Multi-criteria filtering approach for comparison and analysis of scheduling alternative scenarios: case study on an open pit phosphate mine
Evaluation of Complex Manufacturing Systems in the Context of Aggregated Operating Curves
Conceptual maps of reliability analysis applied in reconfigurable manufacturing system
Regular Session: Crossdock and Transportation Issues
Berth Allocate Problem with Multi-Entry Considering Marine Fish Freshness
Cross-Dock Location: An Airbus Helicopters Case Study
A Hierarchical Network Approach for Long-Haul Parcel Transportation
Assessment of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) apps in Metropolitian Area of São Paulo, Brazil
Using flexible crossdock schedules to face truck arrivals uncertainty
Regular Session: Maintenance Improvement and Lifecycle Management
Asset Management, Industry 4.0 and Maintenance in Electrical Energy Distribution
Perspectives on the future of maintenance engineering education
Wear and Tear: A Data Driven Analysis of the Operating Condition of Lubricant Oils
A Periodic inventory model for perishable items with general lifetime
Efficient Maintenance Planning: the MATISA Company Case Study
Understanding Schedule Progress Using Earned Value and Earned Schedule Techniques at Path-level
Health Indicator Modeling and Association Rule Mining for stoppages prediction in a refinery plant
Productivity improvement in manufacturing systems through TPM, OEE and collaboration between maintenance and production: a case study
Stochastic dynamic programming for earliness-tardiness single machine scheduling with maintenance considerations
An assessment of order release models in Hybrid MTO-MTS flow shop with bottleneck
Regular Session: Additive Manufacturing and Mass Customization
Impact of failure rate uncertainties on the implementation of Additive Manufacturing in spare parts supply chains
Mass customization: Customizing for the human aspect of operations management
Impacts of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chains: An Empirical Investigation
A Knowledge-Based Approach for Decision Support System in Additive Manufacturing
A Bibliometric Analysis Approach to Review Mass Customization Scientific Production
Regular Session: Frameworks and Conceptual Modelling for Systems and Services Efficiency
Framework of the architecture of the communication process within Industry 4.0 oriented production system
A fuzzy risk analysis approach for using in concurrent engineering platform
Service Capability Ontology
Guideline to development smart service business models for small and medium sized enterprises
Conceptual approach to product development process based on supply chain concepts
Regular Session: Optimization of Production and Transportation Systems
Interactive Design Optimization of Layout Problems
A Fast and Efficient Fluid Relaxation Algorithm for Large-Scale Re-entrant Flexible Job Shop Scheduling
Identification of superior improvement trajectories for production lines via simulation-based optimization with reinforcement learning
Straight and U-shaped assembly lines in Industry 4.0 era: factors influencing their implementation
Math Modeling to simultaneously make overtime and transportation decisions
Regular Session: Optimization of Supply Chain Agility and Reconfigurability
An Approach to Assess Risks related to Information System in Supply Chain
Supplier selection by using the goal programming approach
Using an Auction-based System in Cloud Manufacturing for Selecting Manufacturing-as-a-Service Providers
Modularity metric in Reconfigurable Supply Chain
Heuristic algorithm for the safety stock placement problem
Regular Session: Advanced Modelling Approaches
An Empirical Examination of the Consistency Ratio in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Performance Indicators in Emergency Operating Theaters: A State of the Art
Energy Transparency in Compound Feed Production
A Framework To Assess Risk of Illicit Trades Using Bayesian Belief Networks
Regular Session: Simulation and Optimization of Systems Performances
Multi-Fidelity Simulation-Based Optimisation for Large-Scale Production Release Planning in Wafer Fabs
Toward a Simulation Model for Capacity Analysis of a New Port Terminal
Design of a physics-based and data-driven hybrid model for Predictive Maintenance
Dynamic Bottleneck Starvation Control
Pricing models for data products in the industrial food production
Regular Session: AI-Based Approaches for Quality and Performance Improvement of Production Systems
A Neural Network Model for Quality Prediction in the Automotive Industry
AI and BD in Process Industry: a literature review with an operational perspective
Implementing an Online Scheduling Approach for Production with Multi Agent Proximal Policy Optimization (MAPPO)
Operation Twins: Synchronized Production-Intralogistics for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing
Regular Session: Risk and Performance Management of Supply Chains
Sustainability improvement of coffee farms in Valle del Cauca (Colombia) through system dynamics
A Study of the Relationships between Quality of Management, Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance Outcomes
4.0 Transition Methodology for Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Cognitive Map Based Analysis of Supply Chain Risks
A Classification Tool for Circular Supply Chain Indicators.

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