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Invited papers
Two sided matching markets with strongly correlated random preferences
Communicating Finite state machines and an extensible toolchain for multiparty session types
Contributed papers
First-Order logic and its Infinitary Quantifier Extensions over Countable Words
From Symmetry to Asymmetry: Generalizing TSP Approximations by Parametrization
A Poly-Log Competitive Posted-Price Algorithm for Online Metrical Matching on a Spider
Computational Complexity of Covering Disconnected Multigraphs
The Complexity of Bicriteria Tree-depth
TS-Reconfiguration of Dominating Sets in circle and circular-arc graphs
Bipartite 3-Regular Counting Problems with Mixed Signs
The Satisfiability Problem for a Quantitative Fragment of PCTL
Beyond the BEST Theorem: Fast Assessment of Eulerian Trails
Regular Model Checking with Regular Relations
Minimum Consistent Subset of Trees
Parameterized Complexity of Finding Subgraphs with Hereditary Properties on Hereditary Graph Classes
The Space Complexity of Sum Labelling
On Minimizing Regular Expressions Without Kleene Star
Computational Complexity of Computing a Quasi-Proper Equilibrium
Computational Complexity of Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints
On Dasgupta's hierarchical clustering objective and its relation to other graph parameter
Mengerian Temporal Graphs Revisited
Faster FPT Algorithms for Deletion to Pairs of Graph Classes
Fast Algorithms for the Rooted Triplet Distance Between Caterpillars
Deciding Top-Down Determinism of Regular Tree Languages
Propositional Gossip Protocols
Complexity of word problems for HNN-extensions
On Finding Separators in Temporal Split and Permutation Graphs
The Possible Winner Problem with Uncertain Weights Revisited
Streaming Deletion Problems Parameterized by Vertex Cover
On the Hardness of the Determinant: Sum of Regular Set-Multilinear Circuits
Concentration of Collision Estimator
Valency-based Consensus under Message Adversaries without Limit-Closure.

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