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Understanding the Field of Gerontology in India
Growth of Geriatrics and Old Age Care in India
Gerontological Nursing in India: Inception and Trends
Ageing India: Psychological Concerns and Responses
Gerontological Social Work in India: The emerging trends
Demographic Dimensions and Gerontological Issues in India
Health and Social Concerns in Elderly Men
'Health Issues and Services for Women in Old Age'
Emerging Problem of Dementia and Challenges of Care Services
Social Protection for Ageing Population in India: Concerns and Recommendations
Elderly as Family Caregivers: Burden and Challenges in India
The Role of "Weak Social Bonds" in Perpetuating Fear of Crime: A Study of the Elderly in Lucknow
Voluntary Organisations Working for Older Persons in India: A Case Study of HelpAge India.

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