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Chapter 1: Introduction: Discourse, Conflict and Conflict Resolution (Innocent Chiluwa)
Part 1: The Language of Conflict
Chapter 2: Taking radical disagreement seriously: Filling the discourse analytic gap in the study of intractable asymmetric conflicts (Oliver Ramsbotham)
Chapter 3: Language in the service of lawfare: The "working definition of antisemitism" of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) (Susan Blackwell)
Chapter 4: Metaphors of Intolerance: A Comparative Analysis between the Speeches and Cartoons of Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump on Immigration (Argus Romero Abreu de Morais and Luciane Correa Ferreira)
Part 2: Hate Speech in Online and Offline Media
Chapter 5: How do haters hate? Verbal aggression in Lithuanian online comments (Jurate Ruzaite)
Chapter 6: Different Shades of Hate: The Grey Zone between Offensive and Discriminatory Language in the Social Media Accounts of Flemish Politicians (Martina Temmerman and Raymond Harder).-Chapter 7: Reframing Hate: From Disaffected Young Men to Domestic Terrorists (Federica Fornaciari and Laine Goldman)
Chapter 8: Communicating hate on YouTube: The Macedonian identity in focus (Minos-Athanasios Karyotakis)
Chapter 9: "Who Wants to Sterilise the Sinhalese?" : A Discourse Historical Analysis of Extreme Speech Online in Post-War Sri Lanka (Carmen Aguilera-Carnerero)
Chapter 10: Facebook comments on the refugee crisis: Discursive strategies to legitimise hate speech online (Dario Lucchesi)
Part 3: Discourse and peace-building
Chapter 11: Positioning the voices of conflict: Language manipulation in the Dialogos de Paz (Lawrence N. Berlin)
Chapter 12: Building bridges after a riot: Talking towards mutual understanding following Charlottesville (Linda M. Doornbosch and Mark van Vuuren)
Chapter 13: Person to person peace building through intercultural communication: Discourse analysis of an online intercultural service-learning project with Afghanistan (Amy Jo Minett et al)
Chapter 14 Talk and Action as Discourse in UN Military Observer Course: Routines and Practices of Navigation (Iira Rautiainen)
Chapter 15: An analysis of public discourse on Albanias transitional justice system (Islam Jusufi et al.)
Chapter 16: Afterword (Innocent Chiluwa).

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