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1-Introduction to Opuntia spp.: Chemistry, bioactivity and Industrial Applications
2-South African perspective on Opuntia spp.: cultivation, human and livestock food and industrial applications
3-Ethnobotany, medicinal utilization and Systematics of Opuntia species from Deserts of Pakistan
4-Cactus Pear (Opuntia spp.) Species and Cultivars
5-Classification, Distribution and Morphological Characterization of Opuntia species
6-Cultivation and Cultural Practices of Opuntia spp
7-Molecular characterization of Opuntia spp
8-Genetic diversity and ecotypes of Opuntia spp
9-Potential attribute of crassulacean acid metabolism of Opuntia spp. production in water-limited conditions
10-Harvest and Postharvest Technology of Opuntia spp
11-Chemistry and functionality of Opuntia spp. nopal cladodes
12-Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. Bioactive Ingredients and Phyto-constituents
13-Opuntia Fiber and its Health-Related Beneficial Properties
14-Opuntia spp. chemical constituents and bioactive compounds, with particular regards to polyphenols
15-Profile and Biological Properties of the main Phenolic compounds in cactus pear (Opuntia spp.)
16-Opuntia spp. essential oils
17-Antioxidant activity of Opuntia spp.: A review
18-Natural antimicrobial molecules from Opuntia spp. and their role in poultry nutrition
19-Genus Opuntia: A golden source of compounds with anti-inflammatory potential
20-Opuntia spp. benefits in chronic diseases
21-Traceability of Opuntia spp
22-Antidiabetic Activity of Opuntia spp
23-Anticancer Activity of Opuntia spp
24-Innovative technologies for the identification of chemical and bioactive compounds in Opuntia spp. plant, food and waste
25-Innovation technologies for extracting Opuntia spp. seed oil
26-Novel pectins from prickly pear (Opuntia albicarpa) fruits: structural features and rheological properties
27-Modern Technologies in Opuntia spp. Juice Processing
28-Novel Technologies in Juice Processing from Opuntia spp. Fruits
29-Potential use of prickly pear juice prepared from shelf-grown cultivars as an authentic and nutritional fruit supplement
30-Fermented Beverages from Opuntia species: Composition, Commercialization and Future Outlook
31-Opuntia spp. Marmalade
32-Opuntia pear peel as a source of functional ingredients and their utilization in meat products
33-Opuntia spp. Seed Oil
34-Prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica) processing by extrusion-cooking
35-Opuntia spp. and Extruded Food Products
36-Opuntia spp. Extruded Food Products
37-Industrial uses of Opuntia spp. by-products
38-Bread Enrichment with Opuntia spp. Derivatives
39-Opuntia spp. products and by-products as a potential source of edible films and coatings
40-Microencapsulation technology: an alternative preservation method for Opuntia spp. derived products and their bioactive compounds
41-Prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) in animal and poultry feed
42-Industrial applications of Opuntia spp. (nopal, fruit and peel)
43-Opuntia spp. as a source of sugars for the ethanol production
44-Opuntia spp. in biogas production
45-Opuntia spp. in dye-sensitized solar cells
46-Incorporation of Opuntia spp. into Food Systems
47-Opuntia spp. in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
48-Food and non-food applications of Opuntia spp. seed oil
49-Opuntia spp. in the textile industry
50-Cactus pear as colorants and coloring foods: application in different food matrices.

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