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The Theoretical Rationale
The Book Outline
Chapter 1: Ipe and Migration: The Role of the State
Chapter 2: The three paradoxes of globalisation and migration
Chapter 3: The paradox of marginalisation: the case of migration from the MENA area to the EU
Chapter 4: The paradox of regionalisation within globalisation: migration to the EU and migration to the US compared
Chapter 5: The paradox of securitisation: Is there a common migratory policy in the eu?

Chapter 6: Towards a political economy of irregular migration: theory and practice
Chapter 7: The insertion of migrants into the labour force of receiving countries: competition or complementarity?
Chapter 8: Migration and social capital: from islamophobia to social unrest and terrorism
Chapter 9: Populism and migration
Conclusion: Migration and the dark side of globalisation
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 IPE and Migration: The Role of the State
Positioning the Book in the IPE Debate: The State of the Debate

Realist Approaches to the IPE of Immigration: The State in the Debate
The Liberal-State Thesis and the Role of the Judiciary in the Neo-Institutionalist View
2 The Three Paradoxes of Globalisation and Migration
Does Globalisation (Still) Exist? Between Sceptics and the De-Globalisation Debate
The Consequences of Globalisation on Migration and the New Global Division of Labour and Power
Discussing the Relation Between Globalisation and Migration in Sociology

Conclusion: The Three Paradoxes of Regionalisation, Marginalisation and Securitisation within Globalisation
3 The Paradox of Marginalisation: The Case of Migration from the Mena Area to the EU
The Marginalisation of the MENA Area from the Global Political Economy
Marginalisation and Extra-Regional Migration: The Case of Tunisia
Egypt and Marginalisation: Extra-Regional Migration and Brain Drain
The Profile of the Moroccan Migrant in the Globalisation Era

4 The Paradox of Regionalisation Within Globalisation: Migration to the EU and to the US Compared
Economic Regionalisation and Institutional Regionalism in the IPE Debate: Towards a Global Migration Governance Regime?
Neo-Realism: The State as the Engine of Regional Migration Schemes
Liberal-Institutionalism: Regional Migration Governance as a Step Towards Global Governance
Transnationalism: Regional Labour Migration Governance as a Tool for Neoliberal Restructuring
Intra-Regional vs Extra-Regional Migration: Comparing the Dynamics of Migration to the US and the EU

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