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Clinical Applications
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A Multi Task Learning Approach for Improved Pathology Classification in Capsule Endoscopy
Learning-based attenuation quantification in abdominal ultrasound
Colorectal Polyp Classification from White-light Colonoscopy Images via Domain Alignment
Non-invasive Assessment of Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG) Based on MR Flow Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Deep-Cleansing: Deep-learning based Electronic Cleansing in Dual-energy CT Colonography
Clinical Applications
Interactive smoothing parameter optimization in DBT Reconstruction using Deep learning
Synthesis of Contrast-enhanced Spectral Mammograms from Low-energy Mammograms Using cGAN-Based Synthesis Network
Self-adversarial Learning for Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications in Mammograms
Graph Transformers for Characterization and Interpretation of Surgical Margins
Domain Generalization for Mammography Detection via Multi-style and Multi-view Contrastive Learning
Learned super resolution ultrasound for improved breast lesion characterization
BI-RADS Classification of Calcification on Mammograms
Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training for Mammographic Triage Screening Models
Trainable summarization to improve breast tomosynthesis classification
Clinical Applications
Multi-level Relationship Capture Network for Automated Skin Lesion Recognition
Culprit-Prune-Net: Efficient Continual Sequential Multi-Domain Learning with Application to Skin Lesion Classification
End-to-end Ugly Duckling Sign Detection for Melanoma Identification with Transformers
Automatic Severity Rating for Improved Psoriasis Treatment
Clinical Applications
Fetal Imaging
STRESS: Super-Resolution for Dynamic Fetal MRI using Self-Supervised Learning
Detecting Hypo-plastic Left Heart Syndrome in Fetal Ultrasound via Disease-specific Atlas Maps
EllipseNet: Anchor-Free Ellipse Detection for Automatic Cardiac Biometrics in Fetal Echocardiography
AutoFB: Automating Fetal Biometry Estimation from Standard Ultrasound Planes
Learning Spatiotemporal Probabilistic Atlas of Fetal Brains with Anatomically Constrained Registration Network
Clinical Applications
Leveraging Auxiliary Information from EMR for Weakly Supervised Pulmonary Nodule Detection
M-SEAM-NAM: Multi-instance Self-supervised Equivalent Attention Mechanism with Neighborhood Affinity Module for Double Weakly Supervised Segmentation of COVID-19
Longitudinal Quantitative Assessment of COVID-19 Infection Progression from Chest CTs
Beyond COVID-19 Diagnosis: Prognosis with Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning
RATCHET: Medical Transformer for Chest X-ray Diagnosis and Reporting
Detecting when pre-trained nnU-Net models fail silently for Covid-19 lung lesion segmentation
Perceptual Quality Assessment of Chest Radiograph
Pristine annotations-based multi-modal trained artificial intelligence solution to triage chest X-Ray for COVID19
Determination of error in 3D CT to 2D fluoroscopy image registration for endobronchial guidance
Chest Radiograph Disentanglement for COVID-19 Outcome Prediction
Attention based CNN-LSTM Network for Pulmonary Embolism Prediction on Chest Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiograms
LuMiRa: An Integrated Lung Deformation Atlas and 3D-CNN model of Infiltrates for COVID-19 Prognosis
Clinical Applications
Brain Development
Multi-site Incremental Image Quality Assessment of Structural MRI via Consensus Adversarial Representation Adaptation
Surface-Guided Image Fusion for Preserving Cortical Details in Human Brain Templates
Longitudinal Correlation Analysis for Decoding Multi-Modal Brain Development
ACN: Adversarial Co-training Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation with Missing Modalities
Covariate Correcting Networks for Identifying Associations between Socioeconomic Factors and Brain Outcomes in Children
Symmetry-Enhanced Attention Network for Acute Ischemic Infarct Segmentation with Non-Contrast CT Images
Modality Completion via Gaussian Process Prior Variational Autoencoders for Multi-Modal Glioma Segmentation
Joint PVL Detection and Manual Ability Classification using Semi-Supervised Multi-task Learning
Clinical Applications
DWI And Tractography
Active Cortex Tractography
Highly Reproducible Whole Brain Parcellation in Individuals via Voxel Annotation with Fiber Clusters
Accurate parameter estimation in fetal diffusion-weighted MRI
learning from fetal and newborn data
Deep Fiber Clustering: Anatomically Informed Unsupervised Deep Learning for Fast and Effective White Matter Parcellation
Disentangled and Proportional Representation Learning for Multi-View Brain Connectomes
Quantifying structural connectivity in brain tumor patients
Q-space Conditioned Translation Networks for Directional Synthesis of Diffusion Weighted Images from Multi-modal Structural MRI
Clinical Applications
Functional Brain Networks
Detecting Brain State Changes by Geometric Deep Learning of Functional Dynamics on Riemannian Manifold
From Brain to Body: Learning Low-Frequency Respiration and Cardiac Signals from fMRI Dynamics
Multi-Head GAGNN: A Multi-Head Guided Attention Graph Neural Network for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Holistic Brain Functional Networks
Building Dynamic Hierarchical Brain Networks and Capturing Transient Meta-states for Early Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis
Recurrent Multigraph Integrator Network for Predicting the Evolution of Population-Driven Brain Connectivity Templates
Efficient neural network approximation of robust PCA for automated analysis of calcium imaging data
Text2Brain: Synthesis of Brain Activation Maps from Free-form Text Query
Estimation of spontaneous neuronal activity using homomorphic filtering
A Matrix Auto-encoder Framework to Align the Functional and Structural Connectivity Manifolds as Guided by Behavioral Phenotypes
Clinical Applications
Topological Receptive Field Model for Human Retinotopic Mapping
SegRecon: Learning Joint Brain Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation from Images
LG-Net: Lesion Gate Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Inpainting
Self-supervised Lesion Change Detection and Localisation in Longitudinal Multiple Sclerosis Brain Imaging
SyNCCT: Synthetic Non-Contrast Images of the Brain from Single-Energy Computed Tomography Angiography
Local Morphological Measures Confirm that Folding within Small Partitions of the Human Cortex Follows Universal Scaling Law
Exploring the Functional Difference of Gyri/Sulci via Hierarchical Interpretable Autoencoder
Personalized Matching and Analysis of Cortical Folding Patterns via Patch-Based Intrinsic Brain Mapping
Clinical Applications
A Location Constrained Dual-branch Network for Reliable Diagnosis of Jaw Tumors and Cysts
Motion Correction for Liver DCE-MRI with Time-Intensity Curve Constraint
Parallel Capsule Networks for Classification of White Blood Cells
Incorporating Isodose Lines and Gradient Information via Multi-task Learning for Dose Prediction in Radiotherapy
Sequential Learning on Liver Tumor Boundary Semantics and Prognostic Biomarker Mining
Do we need complex image features to personalize treatment of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer?
Multiple Instance Learning with Auxiliary Task Weighting for Multiple Myeloma Classification.

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