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List of Figures
List of Tables
1 The Political Economy of Social Policy Reform in China
China's Economic Hyper-Growth and Inequality
Research Questions
What This Book Is About
A Review of the Literature
Major Arguments
Contribution to the Literature
2 The Development of Social Policy Reform in China
China's Welfare System Before the 1980s
The Welfare System in the 1980s and 1990s and Initiation of New Social Programs
Health Insurance
Unemployment Insurance
Urban Social Assistance (Dibao)

The Chinese Welfare System Since the Early 2000s
Health Insurance
Social Assistance
Achievements of the Recent Round of Social Policy Reforms
Social Insurance
Social Assistance
Fragmentation of China's Welfare System
The Role of Bureaucrats in China's Social Policy Reform
3 Policy Implementation in the Decentralization Welfare Regime
Decentralized Management
Local Officials' Motivation Under the Performance Evaluation System
Selective Enforcement Under the Performance Evaluation System
Decentralized Financing

Social Policy Reform Under Decentralized Management and Financing
Policy Reforms Addressing Issues in the Welfare System
Local Policy Experiments
Issues in Local Policy Experimentation
Regional Development
Issues in Regional Development Policy
4 Interagency Collaboration in China's Social Policy Reform
Collective Action Problem in Policy Making and Implementation
Explicit Ex Ante and Ex Post Rules
Small Leading Groups and Interministerial Joint Conferences
The Limitations of Interministerial Conferences and Small Leading Groups

Separating Authority: A Top-down Mechanism to Facilitate Policy Implementation
Bureaucracy's Authority in Policy Areas
Rural Health Insurance
Incentive Structure of the Government Agency in Managing Health Insurance
Logrolling: A Voluntary Way to Facilitate the Exchange of Support Among Bureaucrats
5 Policy Capacity in China's Social Policy Reform
Increasing the Funding of Social Programs
Policy Capacity in Managing Social Programs
Capacity in Managing Social Insurance Funds
Capacity of Targeting for Social Assistance Programs

Capacity of Policy Evaluating for Social Insurance Reform
The Financial Sustainability of Social Insurance Funds
Improving Capacity with a Reshuffling of Departmental Responsibility
Reforming the Individual Accounts of Health Insurance Fund
Improving Government Capacity by Upgrading Digital Infrastructure
The Endogeneity of Policy Capacity Improvement
6 Feedback on Social Policy Reform and Bureaucrats' Responses
Citizens' Participation in Social Policy Reforms
Online Political Participation
Workers' Feedback to Social Policy Reform

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