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List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Core Issues in Business English Education in China
1.1 English as a Shared Language for International Business Communication
1.2 BE Education at the Tertiary Level in China
1.3 Problems with BE Education in China
1.3.1 The "Tower of Babel" Problem
1.3.2 Inadequate BE Assessment System
1.4 The Need for a Meta-Language for BE Education in China
1.5 Conclusion
2 Assessing Business English: The Role of Language Scales
2.1 Language Scales
2.1.1 Origins
2.1.2 Functions

2.1.3 Purposes
2.2 The CEFR
2.2.1 What is the CEFR?
2.2.2 Uses of the CEFR
2.2.3 Describing Business English Proficiency with the CEFR: Potential Problems
2.3 Scales Describing Business English Proficiency
2.3.1 Categorization of Scales Incorporating BE Proficiency
2.3.2 The ELTDU Stages of Attainment Scale (ELTDU Scale)
2.3.3 The ALTE Framework
2.3.4 The ESU Framework
2.3.5 The International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLPR)
2.3.6 The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
2.4 Summary of the Review and Discussion
2.5 Conclusion

3 Understanding Business English Writing: A Genre Perspective
3.1 BE as an Offshoot of ESP
3.2 ESP Writing Competence
3.3 Genre as ESP Writing Competence
3.3.1 The Concept of Genre
3.3.2 Genre in the ESP Tradition
3.3.3 Genre Knowledge and ESP Writing
3.3.4 The Model of Genre Knowledge
3.4 Conclusion
4 Developing a Scale of Business English Writing Proficiency: Considerations and Methods
4.1 Important Considerations in ESP Assessment
4.1.1 EGP Versus ESP
4.1.2 Key Features of ESP Assessment
4.2 General Principles of Scale Development

4.2.1 Types of Measurement Scales
4.2.2 Essentials of Valid Measurement Scales
4.3 Common Methods of Scale Construction
4.3.1 Intuitive Versus Empirical Scale Development Methods
4.3.2 Performance-Based Versus Descriptor-Based Scale Development Methods
4.4 Four Phases of Developing a Scale of BE Writing Proficiency
4.5 Conclusion
5 The Establishment of a Descriptive Scheme for the Business English Writing Scale
5.1 Research Procedures
5.2 The Establishment of a BE Writing Descriptive Scheme
5.2.1 Theory-Based Descriptive Categories

5.2.2 Activity-Based Descriptive Categories
5.3 Conclusion
6 Evaluating the Quality of the Descriptive Scheme and Descriptors: Teacher Perspectives
6.1 Research Procedures
6.1.1 Instruments
6.1.2 Participants
6.1.3 Data Collection
6.1.4 Data Analysis
6.2 Initial Accumulation and Categorization of BE Writing Descriptors
6.3 Evaluating the Appropriateness of the Descriptive Scheme and Descriptors
6.3.1 Evaluating the Relevance of the Descriptive Framework to the Chinese Tertiary Context

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