Linked e-resources


What is the Entrepreneurial Mindset and Why is It Needed?
What Are the Current Approaches to Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset and What Are the Gaps With Current Approaches?
How Can Faculty, Students, and Administration Benefit From Integrating the Entrepreneurial Mindset Into All Disciplines?
What is the Entrepreneurial Mindset Toolkit and Why is It Needed?
Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset Through Value Identification
Overview and Importance of Value Identification
How to Teach the EM Through Value Identification Using Everyday Life Lessons
How to Teach the EM Through Value Identification Using Classroom Topics
Overview and Importance of Developing EM Skill Sets and Capabilities
How to Teach the EM Through Skill Development Using Everyday Life Lessons
How to Teach the EM Through Skill Development Using Classroom Topics
Overview and Importance of Building a EM Supportive Environment
How to Teach the EM Through Ecosystem Cultivation Using Everyday Life Lessons
How to Teach the EM Through Ecosystem Cultivation Using Classroom Topics.

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