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1. Introduction: Setting the Frame
Economic Globalization
World Hegemony
Socioeconomic Inequality Within and Between Societies
Technological Innovations
Climate Change
Now and then: Trajectories in Global History
2. We Were All Brits (1851
Hegemony, What Is It?
Industrial Revolution
Which Pyramid?
The Industrial "Gradualution"
Democratic Revolution
The Synergic Revolutions
Non-Identical Twins
An Experiment with Synergy
Another Set of Twins: Free Trade and Comparative Advantage
Two Sets of Twins on a World Tour: At Home in Western Europe
Two Sets of Twins on a World Tour: Playing "Catch-22" with Gunpowder Empires
Two Sets of Twins on a World Tour and the American Divergence
Two Sets of Twins on a World Tour: The Scramble for Africa
First Globalization and Britannization
Spoiling the Hegemonic Party: The Exceptional Outliers
All Aboard! Welcome to the Global Train
3. Until the "Big Brexit" (1914
A Globally Convoluted Interplay
Contested Hegemony, Head-On
A Bigger Brother
A Strange Couple
A Global Communist Revolution
Surprising Success
By Reaction Against
Directly Guided
By Imitation
Failure, the Mother of Improvisation
The Carousel of Revolution
The Other Carousel: Reaction
A World Safe for Democracy
It's the Economy, Stupid!
A Game Changer
Second Round
So Long to the Global Train!
4. When We Became Americans (1946
The World Series
Hegemony and Empire: Great Britain
Hegemony and Empire: The United States
Two Centuries at Odds
And Counting
A Fourfold Big Stick
A Huge Carrot Named the U.S. Economy
An Alluring Dream Named the American Dream
The Swirling Synergy of the American Triplets
Great Britain: 20
United States: 34. A Different Model for World Hegemony
5. Or Else (1946
A Very Straightforward Global Story for a Very Straightforward Answer
From War to War to Cold War
On the Right Side of the World Hegemon
On the Wrong Side of the Counter-Hegemon
The Soviet Union and China
The Counter-Hegemonic Triplets: Powerful, but not as Much
Under the Tracks of Entwined Nationalism and Socialism: Peron, Evita, and the Socialist Fatherland
Entwined Nationalism and Socialism Throughout the Latin American Oligarchic Republics
Entwined Nationalism and Socialism in Recently Emancipated Colonies Throughout the Middle East
Straightforward: From Decolonization into Entwined Nationalism and Socialism in South Asia, South East Asia, and Africa
Entwined Nationalism and Socialism Around the World: The Global Rise of Anti-Hegemonic Party States
Pyramids into Diamonds
6. All Together Now: Becoming Global Citizens (1968
The Revolutionary Processes (1968
1991): E Pluribus Unum (One Out of Many)
1968, A Global Revolt
1973, The Tom Kippur or Ramadan War
1978, Deng Xiaoping Means "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics"
1982, Malvinas/Falkland Islands War
1985, Gorbachev Means Glasnost and Perestroika
1989, A Global Revolution
1991, Hegemony and Globalization Reconciled
Everything Falling into Place
The Revolutionary Results: Neoliberal Reforms, Stronger Than Revolutions
Neoliberalism Means Growing Inequalities: The "Great Bifurcation"
From Melting Pot to Salad Bowl
Third Wave of Democracy
7. Falling Apart. Back to Nationalism (2003
Hegemony and Globalization Reconciled but Spiraling Down
Shaken American World Hegemony
2007 Shaken Neoliberal Globalization
Neoliberalism Challenged Around the World
A Couple of Trump Cards: Technological and Ecological Disruptions
8. The Big Picture: Overall Patterns Amidst Convoluted Developments
A Brief Recapitulation of Convoluted Developments
Overall Patterns: Fivefold Correspondences
Overall Patterns and Some of the Questions of the Present and Future
Global Trajectories Crystalized in Global Regimes.

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