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1. Alternative Capture-Recapture Point and Interval Estimators Based on Two Surveillance Streams / Lyles, Wilkinson, Williamson, Chen, Taylor, Jambai, Kaiser
2. On-Gaussian Model Based Object Tracking Analysis with Time Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy Images / Marcus, Kong
3. Detecting Changepoint in Gene Expressions over Time: An Application to Childhood Obesity / Mathur, Sung
4. How ig Are EHR Data? The Effective Sample Size of EHR Data Under Biased Sampling / Hubbard
5. A Nested Clustering Method to Detect and Cluster Transgenerational DNA Methylation Sites via Beta Regressions / Wang, Zhang, Han, Arshad, Karmaus
6. Controlling the False Discovery Rate of Grouped Hypotheses / MacDonald, Wilson, Liang, Qin
7. Approaches to Combining Phase II Proof-of-Concept and Dose-Finding Trials / Ting
8. On the Multiply Robust Estimation with Missing Data / Chen, Haziza
9. Recent Advances in Spectral Clustering and Their Applications in Bioinformatics / Xue
10. Functional Data Modeling and Hypothesis Testing for Longitudinal Alzheimer Genome-Wide Association Studies / Li, Xu, Liu
11. Misuse of Classifiers in Biological Networks / Maharaj
12. A Selective Inference-based Two-stage Procedure for Clinical Safety Studies / Zhu, Guo
13. Inferring Stage of HCV Infections as Recent or Chronic by Machine Learning approach / Icer
14. Graphical Modeling of Multiple Biological Pathways in Genomic Studies / Cao, Zhang, Chen, Wang
15. Online Updating of Nonparametric Survival Estimator and Nonparametric Survival Test / Xue, Schifano, Hu
16. Mixed-Effects Negative Binomial Regression with Interval Censoring: A Simulation Study and Application to Precipitation and All-Cause Mortality Rates among Black South Africans over 1997-2013 / Landon, Lyles, Scovronick, Abadi, Bilotta, Hauer, Bell, Gribble
17. SAS Macros for Linear Mediation Analysis of Complex Survey Data Using Balanced Repeated Replication / Mai, Zhang
18. Joint Modeling of Multiple Skewed Longitudinal Processes with Excess of Zero and Time-to-Event: An Application to Fecundity Studies / Mirzaei, Kundu, Sundaram
19. Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Forecasting the Ongoing 2018-19 Ebola Epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Using Phenomenological Growth Models / Tariq, Chowell
20. Models and Estimation Methods for Item Factor Analysis: An Overview / Chen, Zhang.

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