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PART I: Evolution, genetics and distribution
1. Phylogenesis and evolution
2. Population genetics and genomics
3. Conservation and breeding
4 Biogeography and local adaptations
5. Mediterranean pines as invasive species
PART II: Ecophysiology of Mediterranean pines: resistance to stress and perturbation
6. Physiological trade-offs under stress and perturbation
7. Carbon allocation dynamics under stress
Root systems under drought
9. Stress and tree mortality
10. Forest diseases affecting pines
11. Resistance to herbivorous insects
PART III: Pine and mixed forest ecosystems under global climate change
12. Growth and vigor
13. Forest distribution resilience under climate change
14. Carbon and energy balance
15. Soil properties and biogeochemical functioning
16. Decomposition
PART IV: Forest dynamics, biodiversity and biotic interactions
17. Dynamics of mixed pine-oak forests
18. Bird diversity
19 Soil micro- and macrofauna
20. Mycorhizae
PART V: Forest fire ecology and management
21. Fire past present and future
22. Adaptations to fire
23. Post-fire soil erosion
24. The impact of grazing on understory fuel load
25. Post fire restoration
26. Predicting post-fire conifer regeneration in California
27. Remote sensing fire damage
PART VI: Policy and Ecosystem services of Mediterranean pine and mixed forest ecosystems
28. Mediterranean forests and the United Nations sustainable development goals
29. Ecosystem services
30. Multi-disciplinary assessment of cultural ecosystem services supplied by Mediterranean pine and mixed forests
PART VII: Afforestation and forest management policy
31. Dynamics and management of western Mediterranean pinewoods
32. From pine monoculture forests into sustainable mixed forest ecosystems
33. Forest policy in Israel
34. Water based forest management.

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