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Chapter 1. Introduction to Dietary Research and Cancer
Chapter 2. Healthy Dietary Patterns and Cancer
Chapter 3. Frequently Asked Diet and Nutrition Related Questions by Cancer Survivors
Chapter 4. Dietary Recommendations of Worldwide Cancer Related Organizations
Chapter 5. Outcome of Diet and Cancer Related Clinical Trials
6. Diet and Cancer Epigenetics: A Step Towards Developing Cancer Epigenetic Diet
7. Role of Dietary Ingredients on Expression of Oncogenic and Tumor Suppressor miRNA
8. Can Diet Influence Metastasis?
9. Impact of Dietary Interventions on Cancer Stem Cells
10. Interaction of Dietary Metabolites with Anti-cancer Drug Targets
11. Revisiting the Anticancer Drug-Food Interactions
12. Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, and Dietary Supplements in Cancer Prevention
13. Do Antioxidants Really Help Cancer Patients? The Puzzle of Benefits and Perils
14. Market of Dietary Supplements: Analysis of Health Benefits and Risk in Cancer
15. Cancer and Fasting: Can Fasting/Calorie Restriction (CR) or Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) Helps Fight Cancer? Molecular Basis of Fasting Response
16. Do Fasting, CR, and FMD Improves the Chemotherapy Response, Reduce Off Target Toxicities and Enhance Antitumor Immunity? Illusion or Clinical Reality?
17. Future Prospectus of Dietary Interventions in the Integrated Management of Cancer.

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