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Volume 1. Section I. Introduction. Introduction: Decolonizing African women's studies
Section II. Research and knowledge production on women in Africa. African feminism
Teaching women's studies in Africa
Decolonizing the curriculum on African women and gender studies
Women and indigenous knowledge in Africa
African indigenous knowledge systems and the empowerment of African women
Women, gender, and knowledge production in anglophone Africa and its diaspora
Women, gender, and development in Africa
Feminist legal theory, human rights, and culture in Africa
Women, gender, and race in post-apartheid South Africa
Researching women and gender in Africa : present realities, future directions
Postscript: Teaching women's studies in Africa - sample syllabi
Section III. African women and politics. Women, gender, and politics in Africa
Women in political parties in Africa
Women in African parliaments : progress and prospects
Women in judiciaries across Africa
Women in executive political leadership in Africa
Women in local government in Africa : gender, resistance, and empowerment
Women in/and the security sector in Africa
Gender equality policies and African women : a comparative critique
Women, quotas, and affirmative action policies in Africa
The state of LGBT rights in Africa
Women, activism, and the state in North Africa
Women of African islands : rights, representation, and participation
New trends in women and politics in Africa
Section IV. African women in conflict and peace. Women's roles and positions in African wars
Theorizing African women and girls in combat : from national liberation to the war on terrorism
Gendered experiences of refugee and displaced women in Africa
Women, terrorist groups, and terrorism in Africa
Women, terrorism, and media : framing of Chibok and Dapchi schoolgirls' abduction stories in television
Women and peace processes in Africa
Women and peacebuilding in postconflict African states
Women and peace education in Africa
African women and peace education : field experiences
DDR and the education of ex-combatant girls in Africa : a gendered analysis
Women and transitional justice processes in Africa
Women and transitional justice in Africa and Latin America
Conflict-related sexual violence and women's rights : Africa in global context
The United Nations and African women in peace, security, and governance
UNSCR 1325 and African women in conflict and peace
Section V. Women and gender-based violence (GBV) in Africa. Violence against women in North Africa
Sexual offences in Africa
Violence against LGBT(QI) persons in Africa
Girls, sexuality, and gender-based violence in Africa
Female genital mutilation/cutting in Africa : patriarchy and policy
Women in African prisons
Women, trafficking, and forced prostitution in Africa
Non-state actors and violence against women in Africa
Violence and women's health in Africa
Alternative rites of passage and other responses to female genital mutilation/cutting in Africa
The response to gender-based violence in Africa

Volume 2. Section VI. (Re)writing African women's histories. A history of African women from origins to 800 CE : bold grandmas, powerful queens, audacious entrepreneurs
A history of African women from 800 CE to 1900 : bold grandmas, powerful queens, audacious entrepreneurs
African women and the Atlantic slave trade
Women in pre-colonial Africa : East Africa
Women in pre-colonial Africa : West Africa
Women in pre-colonial Africa : Southern Africa
Women in colonial East Africa
North African women and colonialism
Women and colonialism in West Africa
Women and colonialism : Southern Africa
Women and colonialism across Africa
Writing Nigerian women's political history
Writing Nigerian women in the economy, education, and literature
Gender, authority, and identity in African history : hierarchy, cosmic families, and lifestages
Colonialism and gender in Africa : a critical history
Women, colonial resistance, and decolonization : challenging African histories
African women's letters as intellectual history and decolonial knowledge production
Challenges of writing African women's histories
Section VII. Women's movements in Africa. Women, social movements and political activism in North Africa
The Arab Spring and women's movements in North Africa
Rural women farmers' grassroots networks in Africa
African women's movements and struggles over land
LGBTI+ organizations in Southern and East Africa : fighting for equal rights
LGBTI+ organizations in West Africa and North Africa : fighting for equal rights
The "subalternity" of women in social movements and African politics
The African diaspora and women's struggles in Africa
The United Nations and African women's movements
African women's movements and the African Union
Section VIII. African women and development processes. African women's formal and informal labor : a comparative history
Women and community development in rural Africa : deconstructing dominant narratives
Women, land, and law in Africa
Women, entrepreneurship, and economic development in Africa
Women in agriculture in contemporary Africa
African women in university management and leadership
African women, technology, and ICTs
Women, poverty, and empowerment in Africa
Women's empowerment and women's health in Africa
Women and development policies in African states
Women, climate change, and sustainable development in Africa
Gender budgeting in Africa
Gender and migration in North Africa
Women, migration, and development in Africa
African diaspora women and African development
African women and globalization

Volume 3. Section IX. African women's creativity, arts, and performance. Women and art in Africa : a historical view
African women in African arts : making art for change
African women in African arts : activists, cultural brokers, and boundary breakers
African women writers
Women and North African literatures
African women and African oral literatures
African women and theatre for development
Nollywood and women
African women hip-hop artists representing transnational identities : Y3 Fr3 Me rebel
African women in sports : a critical analysis of selected media discourses
African women's internet discourses
Women, social media, and culture in Africa
African women and the mass media
Section X. African women, culture, and society. African women traditional chiefs and rulers
Women, Islam, and the State in North Africa
Women, Islam, and the law : womanism, Shari'a, and human rights in Africa
Repesentations of North African women and African Islamic religion in El Saadawi's Zeina
Women and Christianity in Africa
Women and African traditional religion
Womb wisdom to cosmic wisdom : women and African spiritualities in Africa and the diaspora
The role of religion and faith actors in violence against women and girls in Africa : challenges, tensions, and promise
Gender, motherhood, and parenting in Africa
Women in African marriages : voice, visibility, and value
Widows, widowhood, and society in Africa
African queer women tackling erasure and ostracization : love, lust, and lived experience
Gender, disability, and humanity rights in Africa
African women and HIV and AIDS
Girls' sexuality between agency and vulnerability
African young women and alcohol and substance abuse
Women and girls' education in Africa : changes and continuities
Women in universities in Africa
Girl-child, health, and education in Africa
Women in pastoral societies in Africa
Gender, migration, and African cultures
African women, culture, and society in contemporary African novels
Culture, rights, and African women's futures
Section XI. Conclusion. Conclusion: Charting future paths for African women's studies.

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