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Chapter 1. Rutherford Scattering
Chapter 2. Nuclear Size and Shape
Chapter 3. Nuclear Masses and the Semi-Empirical Mass Formula
Chapter 4. The Nuclear Shell Model
Chapter 5. Radioactivity
Chapter 6. Alpha Decay
Chapter 7. Beta Decay
Chapter 8. Gamma Decay
Chapter 9. Nuclear Fission
Chapter 10. Nuclear Fusion
Chapter 11. Charge Independence and Isospin
Chapter 12. The forces of Nature and Particle Classification
Chapter 13. Particle Accelerators
Chapter 14. Particle Detectors
Chapter 15. Constituent Quarks
Chapter 16. Particle Interactions and Cross Sections
Chapter 17. Weak Interactions
Chapter 18. The Higgs Mechanism and the Higgs boson
Chapter 19. Electromagnetic Interactions
Chapter 20. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
Chapter 21. Parity, Charge Conjugation, and CP
Chapter 22. Beyond the Standard Model (BSM).

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