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Part 1:Towards a Sociology of Multiplicities
1. Introduction and Retroduction: The Logic of the Social
2. The Antinomies of the Social: Self-Reference, Individual, and Society
3. Problems Abound: MultiplicitiesBeyond the One and the Many.-Part 2: The Events of the Social: Counting the Dialectic.-4.1 2: From Science to Social Science: Positivism
5.2 3: From Kant to Hegel: Conflictualism
6.3 2: American InterludeFrom James (Back) to Kant: Pragmatism
7.3 4: From Hegel to Badiou: Ontology of the Void
Part 3. Means & Ends: The Four of the (Greimasian) Square
8. Four Examples of Squared Analysis
9. Societies, Multiplicities, Sets: From Typology to Topology
10. Conclusion : Multiplitism and the Singular.

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