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Chapter 1. "Practical Planning Commences: Next Steps in the Settlement of Earth's Moon"
Part I. History and Philosophy of Lunar Settlement
Chapter 2. "Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Human Settlement of Earth's Moon"
Part II. Engineering, Astronomy, and Construction
Chapter 3. "Engineering the Moon: Power Generation and Distribution, and Network Installations for Professional Research Purposes"
Chapter 4. "The Changing Lunar Surface Environment: Hazards and Resources for Humans"
Chapter 5. "Plants under the Moonlight; The Biology and Installation of Industrial Plants for Lunar Settlements"
Chapter 6. "The Hazards and Opportunities of Lunar Regolith in Greenhouse Agriculture on the Moon"
Part III. Medical and Health Aspects of Human Lunar Settlement
Chapter 7. "Consideration of the Long-Term Effects of Hypogravity"
Chapter 8. "Changes in the Central Nervous System and Their Clinical Correlates during Long-Term Habitation in the Moon's Environment"
Chapter 9. "Hazards of Lunar Regolith for Respiratory, Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular and Ocular Function"
Part IV. Social, Political, and Legal Frameworks for Lunar Settlement
Chapter 10. "International Treaties and the Future of the Nation-State Concept on Luna"
Chapter 11. "The Military on the Moon: Geopolitical, Diplomatic, and Environmental Implications"
Chapter 12. "Lunar Settlement and the Right to Return to Earth"
Part V. Philosophical, Educational, and Religious Perspectives on Lunar Settlement
Chapter 13. "Lunar Settlement, Space Refuge, and Quality of Life: A Prevention Policy for the Future of Humans on the Moon"
Chapter 14. "The Emergence of an Environmental Ethos on Luna"
Chapter 15. "Environmental and Occupational Ethics in Early Lunar Populations; Establishing Guidelines for Future Off-World Settlements"
Chapter 16. "Religious Experience in Lunar Conditions: A New Environment and Awareness"
Chapter 17. "Science and Faith Off-Earth"
Part VI. Psychological and Cultural Perspectives on the Human Lunar Experience
Chapter 18. "The Future of Love and Sensory Processing Sensitivity on Luna"
Chapter 19. "Religion in a Lunar Environment: Anthropological Assessment"
Chapter 20. "Projections for Lunar Culture, Living, and Working: How Will We Be Different?"
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