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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Foundations
Part I: Challenges and Concepts
3. Overview of Challenges in Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools
4. Composition of Languages, Models, and Analyses
5. Integration and Orchestration of Analysis Tools
6. Continual Model-Based Analysis
7. Exploiting Results of Model-Based Analysis Tools
8. Living with Uncertainty in Model-Based Development
Part II: Case Studies
GTSMorpher: Safely Composing Behavioural Analyses Using Structured Operational Semantics
10. Compositional Modelling Languages with Analytics and Construction Infrastructures Based on Object-Oriented Techniques the MontiCore Approach
11. Challenges in the Evolution of Palladio refactoring Design Smells in a Historically-Grown Approach to Software Architecture Analysis
12. AnATLyzer: Static Analysis of ATL Model Transformations
13. Using Afra in Different Domains by Tool Orchestration
14. Conclusion.
2. Foundations
Part I: Challenges and Concepts
3. Overview of Challenges in Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools
4. Composition of Languages, Models, and Analyses
5. Integration and Orchestration of Analysis Tools
6. Continual Model-Based Analysis
7. Exploiting Results of Model-Based Analysis Tools
8. Living with Uncertainty in Model-Based Development
Part II: Case Studies
GTSMorpher: Safely Composing Behavioural Analyses Using Structured Operational Semantics
10. Compositional Modelling Languages with Analytics and Construction Infrastructures Based on Object-Oriented Techniques the MontiCore Approach
11. Challenges in the Evolution of Palladio refactoring Design Smells in a Historically-Grown Approach to Software Architecture Analysis
12. AnATLyzer: Static Analysis of ATL Model Transformations
13. Using Afra in Different Domains by Tool Orchestration
14. Conclusion.