Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Chapter 1. The ties that bind us: a qualitative analysis of the networked learning research
Part 1. Professional learning
Chapter 2. From design thinking to design doing: Experiences from an academic staff development programme for blended course design
Chapter 3. ICT-based boundary crossing in dual VET
Development of a design matrix
Chapter 4. No size fits all: Design considerations for networked professional development in higher education
Part 2: Learning networks development and use of digital resources
Chapter 5. Developing collaborative design spaces for teachers networked learning
Chapter 6. Building digital literacy through exploration and curation of emerging technologies: A networked learning collaborative
Chapter 7. Its your turn! Supporting social change through networked learning and game playing
Part 3: Innovating Networked Learning
Chapter 8. A window on student views of a networked practice inquiry approach
Chapter 9. The blockchain university: disrupting 'disruption'?
Chapter 10. A more-than-human approach to researching AI at work: Alternative narratives for AI and networked learning
Chapter 11. Exploring enactivism as a networked learning paradigm for the use of digital learning platforms
Chapter 12. A framework for the analysis of personal learning networks
Chapter 13. Conclusion: Conceptualizing and innovating education and work with networked learning
About the Authors
Chapter 1. The ties that bind us: a qualitative analysis of the networked learning research
Part 1. Professional learning
Chapter 2. From design thinking to design doing: Experiences from an academic staff development programme for blended course design
Chapter 3. ICT-based boundary crossing in dual VET
Development of a design matrix
Chapter 4. No size fits all: Design considerations for networked professional development in higher education
Part 2: Learning networks development and use of digital resources
Chapter 5. Developing collaborative design spaces for teachers networked learning
Chapter 6. Building digital literacy through exploration and curation of emerging technologies: A networked learning collaborative
Chapter 7. Its your turn! Supporting social change through networked learning and game playing
Part 3: Innovating Networked Learning
Chapter 8. A window on student views of a networked practice inquiry approach
Chapter 9. The blockchain university: disrupting 'disruption'?
Chapter 10. A more-than-human approach to researching AI at work: Alternative narratives for AI and networked learning
Chapter 11. Exploring enactivism as a networked learning paradigm for the use of digital learning platforms
Chapter 12. A framework for the analysis of personal learning networks
Chapter 13. Conclusion: Conceptualizing and innovating education and work with networked learning