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Best Paper (Track 1: Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects)
Edge-Minimum Saturated $k$-Planar Drawings
Best Paper (Track 2: Experimental, Applied, and Network Visualization Aspects)
A User Study on Hybrid Graph Visualizations- Crossing Minimization and Beyond-Planarity Star-Struck by Fixed Embeddings: Modern Crossing Number Heuristics
Simplifying Non-Simple Fan-Planar Drawings
RAC-drawability is ER-complete
Recognizing and Embedding Simple Optimal 2-Planar Graphs
A short proof of the non-biplanarity of K 9
Morphing and Graph Abstraction
From Tutte to Floater and Gotsman: On the Resolution of Planar Straight-line Drawings and Morphs
Planar and Toroidal Morphs Made Easier
Visualizing JIT Compiler Graphs
Geometric Constraints
Upward Planar Drawings with Three and More Slopes
Planar Straight-line Realizations of 2-Trees with Prescribed Edge Lengths
One-Bend Drawings of Outerplanar Graphs Inside Simple Polygons
Topological and Upward Drawings
Quasi-upward Planar Drawings with Minimum Curve Complexity
Non-homotopic Loops with a Bounded Number of Pairwise Intersections
On the number of edges of separated multigraphs
Linear Layouts
On the Queue-Number of Partial Orders
On the Upward Book Thickness Problem: Combinatorial and Complexity Results
Linear Layouts of Complete Graphs
On the Queue Number of Planar Graphs
Contact and Visibility Representations
Optimal-area visibility representations of outer-1-plane graphs
Unit Disk Representations of Embedded Trees, Outerplanar and Multi-Legged Graphs
Layered Area-Proportional Rectangle Contact Representation
Geometric Aspects in Graph Drawing
Arrangements of orthogonal circles with many intersections
Limitations on Realistic Hyperbolic Graph Drawing
Embedding Ray Intersection Graphs and Global Curve Simplification
AI Applications
Drawing Networks with Deep Neural Network, (DNN)²
Implementation of Sprouts: a graph drawing game
Graph Drawing Contest Report. .

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