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Shaping congregation studies : a scientific approach / Leslie J. Francis, David W. Lankshear
Profiling adult churchgoers within the Diocese of Southwark : an overview / Leslie J. Francis, David W. Lankshear
The missing generation : profiling churchgoers in their twenties / David W. Lankshear, Leslie J. Francis
The people are friendly': listening to 20- to 29-year old churchgoers / Jenny Rolph, Leslie J. Francis, Paul W. Rolph
The greying generation : profiling churchgoers aged seventy and over / Albert Jewell, Leslie J. Francis, David W. Lankshear
I don't need encouraging, it's part of my life : listening to churchgoers aged eight and over / Paul w. Rolph, Jenny Rolph, Leslie J. Francis
Who goes to church in their twenties? : a comparison of occasional and frequent churchgoers / David S. Walker
The church is very welcoming even though I don't attend often : listening to occasional churchgoers / Paul W. Rolph, Jenny Rolph, Leslie J. Francis
Church attendance and cohabitation : a study exploring marital status among churchgoers / David W. Lanksherar, Andrew Village, Leslie J. Francis
Personal predictors of congregational bonding social capital : a study among churchgoers in a multi-cultural society / Leslie J. Francis, David W. Lankshear
Belonging, ethnicity, and homophily in local congregations : a multivariate analysis / Andrew Village
Predictors of church growth in the diocese of Southward, 2000-2008
The impact of church schools on the attitudes of young churchgoers towards their church and Christian living / Leslie J. Francis, David W. Lankshear
Understanding the Cathedral congregation : inside Southwark Cathedral / David W. Lankshear, Leslie J. Francis
The human face of the cathedral : a qualitative enquiry into what draws people to Southwark Cathedral / Leslie J. Francis, Jenny Rolph, Paul W. Rolph
Psychological type, temperament theory, and religious motivation : exploring the distinctive congregational profile of Southward Cathedral / Leslie J. Francis, Daivd W. Lankshear.

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