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1. New waves in social psychology. Research practices, beyond the disciplinary epistemic and academic limits
2. Critical psychology for emancipating communities
3. The historical-social approach and contemporary social psychology
4. After the humanisms. How to orient yourself in thinking and in life from now on? (On Jacques Lacan's "Ethics of Psychoanalysis"
5. Patriotism of the constitution and neo-tomism trends, tensions and psychosocial effects on legal culture
6. From social perception and social representation to social imaginary in social psychology theory and research
7. Re-entangling childhoods: post-essentialist approaches to children's everyday lives
8. Performativity, subjectivities and politics of life. Devices for other agencies
9. Networks as Communities. Relationships between technology and health-related social support
10. From virtual communities to virtual research. Emerging concepts and research challenges. Ethnography research in the digital era.

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