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Chapter 1. Introduction: Visions of nature
Chapter 2. A ravaged land: The mining city of Broken Hill
Chapter 3. Recovery
Chapter 4. Bison and beyond: Artists encounter animals
Chapter 5. To be religious
Chapter 6. Christianity spreads from ancient roots
Chapter 7. Souls: Pagan, Christian, Animal
Chapter 8. Imagining nature in myths and creation stories
Chapter 9. Hierarchical nature: Did God love all of his creatures equally?
Chapter 10. Walafrid Strabo: Benedictine monk, Virgilian poet, mediaeval gardener
Chapter 11. St Francis the Poverello: Little poor man of Assisi - and his followers
Chapter 12. The Protestant Reformation, consumer capitalism and the Religious Society of Friends
Chapter 13. The Reverend Gilbert White and the religion of nature
Chapter 14. Pathways to the earthly paradise: The Mongul emperors
Chapter 15. Voyagers, Explorers, Travellers and Collectors
Chapter 16. Ways of Valuing and Appreciating Nature
Chapter 17. Reaching an understanding and love of nature. .

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