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Part I: L2 Education in English/Spanish bilingual contexts
CHAPTER 1: Tertiary bilingual education: the Iberian Spanish case versus other multilingual contexts (Linda Escobar)
CHAPTER 2: Language mediation in EMI contexts: emotional stances and translation issues (Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas and Alicia Fernandez Barrera)
CHAPTER 3: Translator competence in second foreign language teaching: acquisition of intercultural skills (Laura Gonzalez Fernandez)
CHAPTER 4: On the Use of Literary Multimodal Sources in L2 Teaching Contexts (M Victoria Guadamillas Gomez)
CHAPTER 5: CILing EMI for effective mediation in the l2 in pre-service teacher education: a case study (Magdalena Custodio-Espinar and Alfonso Lopez Hernandez
Part II: ESP Instruction Practices in international contexts
CHAPTER 6: Using English-learning apps inside Tourism and Business classes: Analysis and critical review (Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies)
CHAPTER 7: ESP for Tourism: Does it meet employers needs and prepare students for the workplace? (Gloria Chamorro, Maria Vazquez-Amador and Maria del Carmen Garrido-Hornos)
CHAPTER 8: Phraseological nuances of civil engineering research titles (Ana Roldan Riejos)
CHAPTER 9: Teaching Spanish medical students how to write a case history (Ariel Sebastian Mercado)
CHAPTER 10: Teaching ESP through data-driven learning: An exploratory study in Health Sciences degrees (Jorge Soto-Almela and Gema Alcaraz-Marmol)
Part III: L2 needs and international mobility in academic environments
CHAPTER 11: Insights from an ERASMUS teaching programme on Academic Writing: The French case (Ourania Katsara)
CHAPTER 12: A Case study on needs analysis in English for academic environmental purposes (Octavia Raluca Zglobiu)
CHAPTER 13: Navigating corpora for self-directed LSP writing: a comparative study of digital method and resource integration in L1 versus L2 language courses (Loredana Bercuci, Ana Maria Pop and Madalina Chitez)
CHAPTER 14: Migration and Language teaching in Georgia (Irina Gvelesiani and Ivane Javakhishvili)
CHAPTER 15: Tales from the Philippines: Fostering Intercultural Language Learning through a Literary Journey around the Philippines (Ana Sevilla-Pavon and Maria Alcantud-Diaz).

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