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1. Sets
2. Types
3. Simple Computations
4. Venn Diagrams and Logical Connectives
5. Lists and Comprehensions
6. Features and Predicates
7. Testing Your Programs
8. Patterns of Reasoning
9. More Patterns of Reasoning
10. Lists and Recursion
11. More Fun with Recursion
12. Higher-Order Functions
13. Higher and Higher
14. Sequent Calculus
15. Algebraic Data Types
16. Expression Trees
17. Karnaugh Maps
18. Relations and Quantifiers
19. Checking Satisfiability
20. Data Representation
21. Data Abstraction
22. Efficient CNF Conversion
23. Counting Satisfying Valuations
24. Type Classes
25. Search in Trees
26. Combinatorial Algorithms
27. Finite Automata
28. Deterministic Finite Automata
29. Non-Deterministic Finite Automata
30. Input/Output and Monads
31. Regular Expressions
32 Non-Regular Languages

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