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1: Introduction
2: Hunger Strike Resistance: A Brief History
3: Field Work and Reflection on Challenges: Feminist and Decolonial Approaches
4: Producing Knowledge and Understanding Subjectivity through Lived Experience
5: Theoretical Framework: Theories of Subjectivity and Subjectivation
6: Dispossession of Humanity: The Pre-hunger Strike Stage
7: Reclaiming Dispossessed Humanity: The Decision to Hunger Strike
8: The Embodiment of Humanity: Technologies of the Self and Resistance in the Hunger Strike
9: Strength, Conflict, and the Body in Pain
10: Self-Determination and the Struggle with Death
11: Strength, Continuity and Steadfastness (Sumud)
12: The Meaning of Victory: Sovereignty Over the Body in the Hunger Strikers Philosophy of Freedom
13: Conceptualising a Limit-Experience: The Hunger Strike as a Near-Death
14: Conclusion.

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