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Introduction - Joanne Begiato, Karen Downing and Steven Gray
Part I: Nineteenth century masculinities
Regency masculinity? The place of Napoleonic War veterans in the history of masculinities Karen Downing
A splendid body of men : Fishermen as model males in late-nineteenth-century British imagery Mary ONeill
Part II: Civilisation and race
He was possessed of the very first natural abilities : American mariners construction of masculinity in the Early Republic Dane A. Morrison
The ocean, the Orient, and manly drama: The persuasive masculinities on display in the North Pacific that influenced the 1854 Treaty of Kanagawa Bruce Makoto Arnold
Part III: Technological change
Displaying the wooden walls of Old England: The HMS Foudroyant as a monument to lost skills and manhood, 1892-1897 Alexa Price
Bachelor sailors? Negotiating masculinity, mobility, and domesticity in c. 1880s to the 1930s Finland - Laika Nevalainen
Row, row, row your boat: How the Marine Corps engendered landing parties in the US Department of the Navy, 1898-1934 Heather Venable
Part IV: Patriotism, citizenship and respectability
From prodigal sons to emblems of empire: Maritime manhood and labour reform in the Wilhelmine Merchant Fleet David Brandon Dennis
Mapping masculinities in New York Citys sailortown Johnathan Thayer
The shrine of manly virtues: Heroic masculinity and HMS Victory in the 1920s Sarah Westbury
Part V: Nascent and Fragile masculinities
Masculinity, the navalist leagues and the Anglo-German naval race Neil Fleming
There will never be another hero like Nelson: Overcoming frailty in 1918 Lucie Dutton
Conclusions and future directions Quintin Colville.

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