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From modular to adic Langlands correspondences for U(1, 1)(Q2/Q): deformations in the non-supercuspidal case" (A. David)
Explicit connections between supersingular isogeny graphs and BruhatTits trees (L. Amoros, A. Lezzi, K. Lauter, C. Martindale, and J. Sotakova)
Semi-regular sequences and other random systems of equations (E. Gorla)
Reduction types of genus-3 curves in a special stratum of their moduli space (A. Somoza)
Constructions of new matroids and designs over Fq (M. Ceria)
The Complexity of MinRank (E. Gorla)
Fields of definition of elliptic fibrations on covers of certain extremal rational elliptic surfaces (C. Salgado)
Integers represented by ternary quadratic forms (D. Schindler)
Construction of Poincare-type series by generating kernels (L. Smajlovic)
The Hasse norm principle in global function fields (R. Newton)
Asymptotics of class numbers for real quadratic fields (N. Raulf)
Some split symbol algebras of prime degree (D. Savin).

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