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Male infertility: a complete guide to lifestyle and environmental factors
Use of folic acid in the treatment of oxidative-stress associated male infertility: a myth or reality?
Methylglyoxal induced mitochondrial perturbation and neuronal toxicity in Alzheimer disease
Free radicals-mediated oxidative damage in memory loss: Are antioxidant therapies useful?
ROS-induced neural toxicity in Parkinson's Disease
Cyclin-dependent Kinase in oxidative stress and development of cancer
Radiation induced free radical formation lead to head and neck cancer
Pathophysiology of radiations: Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation oxidative stress and carcinogenesis
Heavy metal contamination induced oxidative tress lead to neurodegenerative diseases
Networking of nanoparticles toxicity in environment and possible role of ROS in disease mechanism
Free radicals and microbes in nature
Relevance of ROS and NOS in Leishmaniasis: A recent update
Alcohol-induced neuronal toxicity in Alzheimer disease.

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