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Numerical study of microstructures in multiwell problems in linear elasticity
Surface shear waves in a functionally graded half-space
Modeling of microstructures in a Cosserat continuum using relaxed energies - analytical and numerical aspects
The polar-isogeometric method for the simultaneous optimization of shape and material properties of anisotropic shell structures
Gradient polyconvexity and modeling of shape memory alloys
Placement of an obstacle for optimizing the fundamental eigenvalue of divergence form elliptic operators
Quasi-monotonicity formulas for classical obstacle problems with Sobolev coefficients and applications
Optimal feedback for structures controlled by hydraulic semi-active dampers
Multi-displacement requirement in a topology optimization algorithm based on non-uniform rational basis spline hyper-surfaces
Anti-plane shear in hyperelasticity
Identification of diffusion properties of polymer-matrix composite materials with complex texture.

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