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Preface: Deep Calls to Deep: Hallowing Our Relationship with Nature
Introduction Transpersonal Ecopsychology by Way of Phenomenology and Contemplative Spirituality
Conscious Contact with the Natural World: It All Begins Here
Introducing Ecopsychology
Brief Overview of Chapters
Placing Powerfully Charged Words in Context(s): Nature and the Natural World
Research Method and Evidence: Hermeneutic Phenomenology
The Emergence and Development of Ecopsychology
Transpersonal (Eco)Psychology and Contemplative/Mystical Spirituality

Spontaneous Mystical Experience and Formal Contemplative Practice
Placing Powerfully Charged Words Context: Nature, Buddha-Nature, God, Being, Life
Contemplating Nature, Being Nature, Loving Nature
Chapter One Seeing Those Peach Blossoms Changed My Life: Keeping Joy, Wonder, and Gratitude Alive in Our Heart
Stop, See, and Love
Benefits of Conscious Contact with the Natural World: A Brief Survey
Savoring Joy, Wonder, and Gratitude
Love of Life, Love of Nature
Joy as the Seed of Transpersonal Realization and Ethical Action
This Is It!

The Sacred Depths of the Obvious and Ordinary
This (!) Is the Perfect Gateway
Chapter Two The Ghost Bird's Haunting Cry: Letting Our Heart Break . . . Open
We Are Annihilating Other Beings: Bearing Grief in Traumatic Times
Hearkening the Ghost Bird's Call
Empathy with Our Kindred Companions
The Earth Is the Real Therapist
Wisdom and Love in Heartbreak: Our Hearts Are Breaking . . . Open . . . for Others
Death and Love
Chapter Three All Real Living Is Meeting: Losing Nature, Losing Our Humanity

When Nature Suffers, Humans Suffer: Global Warming and Other Maladies
Humans Are Relational Beings and We Are Losing Our Relationships
Buddhist Psychology and the Interdependent Co-arising of Everyone's Existence
A Paradigm Shift in Psychology: From Separation to Relationality
Our Involvement with Nature Is a Real Relationship
Listening to Nature as a Conversational Partner
Loss of Nature, Loss of Humanity's Heart
Monologue with Ourselves over Dialogue with Others
Not Merely Change, but Impoverishment

Chapter Four The Dissociative Madness of Modernity's Shadow: Constructing, Deconstructing, and Reconstructing Culture
Stories of Separation and the Need for a Psycho-Spiritual-Cultural Therapy
Today's Normal State of Affairs Is Pathological and Pathogenic
The Social Construction of Our Relationship with Nature
The World Is Made of Relationships, and Relationships Are Guided by Stories
Sociocultural Oppression and the Pathology of Separation
Overview of the Dominant Construction of the Human-Nature Relationship

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