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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Chapter 1: Introducing MPLABX
MPLABX: The IDE from Microchip
Creating a Project in MPLABX
The Configuration Words
Creating a Header File
Changing the Fonts and Colors
The PIC Microcontroller
The PIC16F88 and the PIC8F4525
Chapter 2: Programming Basics
Good Programming Practice
Program Listings
Program 2.1: Turning On and Off an LED
Algorithm for Program 2.1
Flowchart for Program 2.1
The Program Listing

Creating a Source File
Adding the Header File
Program 2.1
Analysis of Listing 2-1
Running Program 2.1
The PIC16F88 Development Board
The ICSP Circuit
Testing Program 2.1
Downloading Our Program
Chapter 3: The Seven-Segment Display and the Stepper Motor
Program 3.1: Controlling a Seven-Segment Display
Seven-Segment Displays
Common Anode Seven-Segment Display
Common Cathode Seven-Segment Display
Arrangement for a Common Anode Seven-Segment Display
Controlling the Display with the PIC
Seven-Segment Display Program

Algorithm for Program 3.1
Flowchart for Program 3.1
Program Listing for the Common Cathode Seven-Segment Display
Analysis of Listing 3-1
Program 3.2: 3461BS Common Anode Four Seven-Segment Display Module
Analysis of Listing 3-2
The Stepper Motor
Analysis of Listing 3-3
Chapter 4: The Joystick and the Stepper Motor
Using the Joystick
The Principal Operation of the Joystick
The ADCON0 Control Register
The ADCON1 Register
The ADCON2 Register
Example 1: Creating the Required Acquisition Time
Example 2: TAD Time
Changing the ADC Input Channels

Left or Right Justification
The Joystick Program
Instruction or Command Mode
Data Mode
Bytes and Nibbles
The Control Pins of the LCD
Analysis of Listing 4-1
One-Dimensional Array
Accessing Data in the Array
Using Pointers
Joystick and Stepper Motor
Analysis of Listing 4-2
Homemade Prototype Board for the PIC18F4525
Chapter 5: DC Motors
The Speed of the Simple DC Motor
Creating a Square Wave with the PWM Mode
Creating a 1kHz Square Wave
The Mark Time or Duty Cycle
The TMR2 Preset Value
Storing a Ten-Bit Number

Analysis of Listing 5-1
The Variable-Speed DC Motor Program
Analysis of Listing 5-2
A Two-Directional DC Motor Program
Using the L293D Driver IC
Controlling a Two-Wheel Drive System
Analysis of Listing 5-3
Controlling a Servo Motor
Analysis of Listing 5-4
Chapter 6: Ultrasonic Distance, and Humidity and Temperature Sensors
Using the Ultrasonic Sensor
The Basic Principle of Operation
The Principal Operation of the Program
Analysis of Listing 6-1
The DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor
Communicating with the DHT11

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