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1. Introduction: the rationale for a communication perspective.
Part I. Conceptual approaches.
2. Diplomacy in the context of Political Science, International Relations and Strategic Studies / Sandra Rodrigues Balão, Teresa de Almeida e Silva.
3. From Diplomacy to (New) Public Diplomacy: a communication perspective / Anne-Marie Cotton, Sónia Pedro Sebastião.
4. From corporate to organisational diplomacy / Susana de Carvalho Spínola, Anne-Marie Cotton.
5. Conceptual pathways to Civil Society Diplomacy / Anca Anton.
Part II. Practical approaches.
6. Public Diplomats & Public Relations Practitioners: similar functions but distinct professional status and recognition? / Amos Guiora, Anne-Marie Cotton, Sónia Pedro Sebastião.
7. Corporate Diplomacy in a post-COVID-19 World. / Juan-Luis Manfredi-Sánchez.
8. Corporate Diplomacy: Compass for public/private management in turbulent times / Wilfried Bolewski.
9. A public diplomacy perspective on Brexit - are states ignoring soft power? / Alastair McCapra.
10. Science Diplomacy: Knowledge is Power / Jorge Aranda.
11. Traits and Patterns of Paradiplomacy to legitimise Catalonia independence: the case of DiploCat / José Martínez-Sáez, Manuel Chavez, Sandra Femenía Almerich.
12. Digital Diplomacy: the case of the Swedish Embassy in Bucharest / Anca Anton, Mara Lăcătuș.
13. The Citizen Diplomats and their Pathway to Diplomatic Power / Anca Anton, Raluca Moise.
14. The internationalisation of civic national movements / Camelia Cmeciu, Bruno Asdourian.
Part III. proposals for the future.
15. Becoming an Ethical ambassador: proposal for a Public Relations & Public Diplomacy Practitioner Course on Ethics / Sónia Pedro Sebastião.
16. Cross-fertilisation between MARPE Diplo methodology, citizen science methods and public diplomacy studies. A comparison between the discourse of EEAS on Twitter from Federica Mogherini to Josep Borrell Fontelles Hélène Boulanger, Anne-Marie Cotton.
17. Students' engagement and the ISP as a micro-world and a window on the educational world / Samuel Nowakowski, Anne-Marie Cotton.
18. Higher Education for Public and Organisational Diplomacy in the contexts of communication sciences / Sónia Pedro Sebastião, Anne-Marie Cotton, Hélène Boulanger.
19. Epilogue: Democratisation of Diplomacy / Dejan Verčič.

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