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Table of Contents
1. Introduction: Are the Offences in the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA)Working?
2. The Context for the Enquiry: Regulation and the RMA
3. Theoretical Framework: Compliance, Enforcement, Sanctions and the Criminal Law
4. Failing the First Test: The Offences are not Effective
5. Explaining the Lack of Effectiveness: Constraints and Choices
6. Failing the Second Test: The Offences are being used Inappropriately
7. Explaining the Inappropriate Use: Form versus Substance
8. The Offences are not Working: Implications for Green Criminology.
2. The Context for the Enquiry: Regulation and the RMA
3. Theoretical Framework: Compliance, Enforcement, Sanctions and the Criminal Law
4. Failing the First Test: The Offences are not Effective
5. Explaining the Lack of Effectiveness: Constraints and Choices
6. Failing the Second Test: The Offences are being used Inappropriately
7. Explaining the Inappropriate Use: Form versus Substance
8. The Offences are not Working: Implications for Green Criminology.