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Part I: Fundamentals
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Modeling of Machining Process
Chapter 3. Tool Wear Modelling
Chapter 4. Mathematical Fundamentals of Condition Monitoring
Chapter 5. Signal Processing for Condition Monitoring
Chapter 6. The Framework of TCM from Machine Learning View
Part II: Applications
Chapter 7. Sensory Signal De-noising and Pre-processing
Chapter 8. TCM with Sparse Decomposition
Chapter 9. The Monitoring of Tool Conditions with Computer Vision
Chapter 10. Diagnosis and Prognosis of Machining Degradation Process
Chapter 11. Sensor Fusion Approached to TCM
Chapter 12. Big Data Orientated CNC Machining TXM Monitoring System
Chapter 13. CPPS Framework of Smart CNC Machining Monitoring System.

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