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Introduction. Innovative and bold Staff Development in Healthcare
PART 1. We love the challenge: culture change
Chapter 1. Engaging Hearts and Minds to Advance Relationship-Based Cultures
Chapter 2. Establishing Innovation Culture in Nursing: the butterfly effect
Chapter 3. Veränderungsprozesse initiieren über die Entwicklung und Einführung von Führungsleitlinien - ein systemischer Ansatz
Chapter 4. Pearls of Wisdom: The Evolution of a Healing Healthcare Model
Chapter 5. A strategically engaged programme of person-centred culture development in health services: The courage of the Irish!
Chapter 6. Practice Development: University Based Education
PART 2. We are bold - Emotional Intelligence pays off
Chapter 7. empCARE
ein empathiebasiertes Entlastungstraining für Pflegende
Chapter 8. Wellbeing in the workplace pays off
Chapter 9. Stress was yesterday! Revitalising Care is today by the adoption of HeartMathª Interventions
PART 3. We are a dream team - interprofessional collaboration
Chapter 10. Personalisierte Medizin im MOILT
Chapter 11. TeamProzessPerformance (TPP) im OP mit Gung Ho
Chapter 12. Interprofessionelle Ausbildungsstation: Grenzen überwinden - Zusammen lernen und arbeiten
Chapter 13. Project: Operation on the Team
PART 4. Future perfect - innovative staff development
Chapter 14. Future of Staff development: a time travel.

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