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Part I. Introduction. 1. Women in the History of Science: Frameworks, Themes and Contested Perspectives / Claire G. Jones, Alison E. Martin and Alexis Wolf
Part II. Strategies and Networks 2. The Natural Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle: Nature, Self-Knowing Matter, and the Dialogic Universe /Brandie R. Siegfried
3. Navigating Enlightenment Science: The Case of Marie Genèvieve-Charlotte Darlus Thiroux D'Arconville and Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier De Breteuil and the Republic of Letters / Leigh Whaley
4. 'A Valuable Gift': The Medical Life of Margaret Mason, Lady Mount Cashell / Alexis Wolf
5. Janet Taylor (1804-1870): Mathematical Instrument Maker and Teacher of Navigation / John S. Croucher
6. Early Female Geologists: The Importance of Professional and Educational Societies during the Late-Nineteenth and Early-Twentieth Centuries / Cynthia V. Burek
Part III. Making Women Visible: Institutions, Archives, and Inclusion. 7. Where are the Women? How Archives can Reveal Hidden Women in Science / Anne Barrett
8. 'A Very Worthy Lady': Women Lecturing at the Royal Geographical Society, 1913
C.1940 / Sarah L. Evans
9. Women at the Royal Society Soirée Before the Great War / Claire G. Jones
10. Career Paths Dependent and Supported: The Role of Women's Universities in Ensuring Access to STEM Education and Research Careers in Japan / Naonori Kodate and Kashiko Kodate
11. Internationalism and Women Mathematicians at the University of Göttingen / Renate Tobies

Part IV. Cultures of Science. 12. Astronomy, Education and the Herschel Family: From Caroline to Constance / Emily Winterburn
13. Domestic Astronomy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries / Gabriella Bernardi
14. Darwin and the Feminists: Nineteenth-Century Debates about Female Inferiority / Amanda M. Caleb
15. Women, Gender and Computing: The Social Shaping of a Technical Field from Ada Lovelace's Algorithm to Anita Borg's 'Systers' / Corinna Schlombs
16. The Cultural Context of Gendered Science: India / Carol C. Mukhopadhyay
17. A Seat at the Table: Women and the Periodic System / Annette Lykknes and Brigitte Van Tiggelen
Part V. Science Communication. 18. Mediating Knowledge: Women Translating Science / Alison E. Martin
19. Queen Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden (1720-1782): Philosophe and Collector / Anne E. Harbers and Andrea M. Gáldy
20. Marianne North and Scientific Illustration / Philip Kerrigan
21. The Cycle of Credit and Phatic Communication in Science: The Case of Catherine Henley / Jordynn Jack
22. Rachel Carson: Scientist, Public Educator and Environmentalist / Ruth Watts
23. Representing Women Scientists in Science-Based Film and Television / Amy Chambers
Part VI. Access, Diversity and Practice. 24. Catalysts, Compilers and Expositors: Rethinking Women's Pivotal Contributions to Nineteenth Century 'Physical Sciences' / Mary Orr
25. 'The Question is One of Extreme Difficulty': The Admission of Women to the British and Irish Medical Profession, C. 1850-1920 / Laura Kelly
26. The Work of British Women Mathematicians during the First World War / June Barrow-Green and Tony Royle
27. More than Pioneers : How Women became Professional Engineers before the Mid-Twentieth Century / Nina Baker
28. Women and Surgery after the Great War / Claire Brock
29. Technology Users vs. Technology Inventors and Why We Should Care / Wendy M. Dubow.

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