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Civil law, common law, and the data of jurisprudence / Frecerick Schauer
'The law works itself pure' : reflections on a cherished trope / Christoph Bezemek
The chain novel and its normative fine structure in civil law and common law : Dworkin, Brandom and law's normativity / Stefan Arnold
The civil law as the foundation of the common law : Roscoe Pound considers the origins of the common law / Nicoletta Bersier
Tree diagram or pyramid of norms? / Michael Potacs
The invisible foundations of originalism / Alessio Sardo
Presumption(s) of correctness (?) : comparing the methodological relevance of precedents in civil law and in common law systems / Ann Margarida Simões Gaudêncio
Profiling the American judge : a comparative argument about ideological conceptions of judging / Patricio Nazareno
Two worlds of legal scholarship and the philosophy of law / Alexander Somek
Is China a continental-law country? / Han Liu
Dworkin and the aspirations of international law / Lars Vinx.

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