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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Indiscernibility of quantum particles: a road to orthodoxy
Chapter 3. The source of the Symmetrization Postulate
Chapter 4. Logic and metaphysics of discernibility
Chapter 5. Qualitative individuation of same-type particles: beyond orthodoxy
Chapter 6. The heterodox approach to absolute discernibility and entanglement
Chapter 7. Two views on quantum individuation
Chapter 8. The metaphysics of quantum objects.
Chapter 2. Indiscernibility of quantum particles: a road to orthodoxy
Chapter 3. The source of the Symmetrization Postulate
Chapter 4. Logic and metaphysics of discernibility
Chapter 5. Qualitative individuation of same-type particles: beyond orthodoxy
Chapter 6. The heterodox approach to absolute discernibility and entanglement
Chapter 7. Two views on quantum individuation
Chapter 8. The metaphysics of quantum objects.