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Part I Vulnerability and Infection Detection using Machine Learning
Android Malware Detection Using API Calls: A Comparison of Feature Selection and Machine Learning Models
A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Binary Classification Methods for Botnet Detection
Detecting Vulnerabilities in Source Code Using Machine Learning
Android Malware Detection Using Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
Vulnerability Detection Using Deep Learning
Feature Selection Approach for Phishing Detection Based on Machine Learning
Phishing Email Detection Using Bi-GRU-CNN Model
Part II Securing and Hardening Information Systems
Using Physically Unclonable Function for Increasing Security of Internet of Things
Multi-face Recognition Systems Based on Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms
A Novel Approach Integrating Design Thinking Techniques in Cyber Exercise Development
Availability in Openstack: The Bunny that Killed the Cloud
Distributed and Reliable Leader Election Framework for Wireless Sensor Network (DRLEF).

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