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Part I. Introduction
1. What are Machine and Deep Learning?
2. Computational Learning Basics
3. Overview of Conventional Machine Learning Methods
4. Overview of Deep Machine Learning Methods
5. Quantum Computing for Machine Learning
6. Performance Evaluation
7. Software Tools for Machine and Deep learning
8. Data sharing, protection and bioethics
Part II. Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis
9. Detection of Cancer Lesions from Imaging
10. Diagnosis of Malignant and Benign Tumours
11. Auto-contouring for image-guidance and treatment planning
Part III. Machine Learning for Treatment planning & Delivery
12. Quality Assurance and error prediction
13. Knowledge-based treatment planning
14. Intelligent respiratory motion management
Part IV. Machine Learning for Outcomes Modeling and Decision Support
15. Prediction of oncology treatment outcomes
16. Radiomics and radiogenomics
17. Modelling of Radiotherapy Response (TCP/NTCP)
18. Smart adaptive treatment strategies
19. Machine learning in clinical trials.

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