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Chapter 1. The hope and the hype in organoid technology in regenerative medicine (Badrul Hisham Yahaya)
Chapter 2. Pluripotent stem cell derived and adult-tissue-derived organoid (Tiago G. Fernandes)
Chapter 3. Generation of human organoid for 3D stem cell culture Hans Clevers
Chapter 4. Organogenesis in a dish: Organ developmental study using organoid technology (Kursad Tuksen)
Chapter 5. Disease modelling using patient-derived organoid (Narisorn Kitiyanant)
Chapter 6. Tumor organoid as a model to study cancer microenvironment (Ahmad Faried)
Chapter 7. Gene-editing in organoid to improve understanding of human disease (Yinming Liang)
Chapter 8. Organoid culture as a good model to study lung development (Mitsuru Morimoto)
Chapter 9. Organoid as good model for respiratory diseases (Badrul Hisham Yahaya).-Chapter 10. In vitro 3D model on reproductive system (Ruttachuk Rungsiwiwut)
Chapter 11. Modelling of neuronal organoid: The way forward and challenges (Juntang Lin)
Chapter 12. Generation of cardiac organoid in early heart organogenesis (Tan Jun Jie)
Chapter 13. Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells in organoid development for neurodegenerative disease modelling (Darius Widera)
Chapter 14. Organoid for drug discovery and personalized treatment (Toshio Takahashi)
Chapter 15. Ethical concern on patient-derived organoid (Phuc Van Pham).

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