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Part I: Zen Roots
Chapter 1. Searching for the histrorical bodhidharma in goblet words (John A. Tucker)
Chapter 2. Chan and the routinazation of charisma in chinese buddhism (Mario Poceski).-Chapter 3. The platform sutra and its role in chinese zen buddhism (Morten Schlutter)
Chapter 4. Eloquence and silence: how dogens dharma match with vimalakirti turns out (Dale S. Wright).-Chapter 5. A tale of two prefaces: the role of yang yi in the creation of song chan identity (Albert Welter)
Chapter 6. The relationship of dogens vision of nature with his practice of devotion and faith (Taigen Dan Leighton)
Chapter 7. Theorizing the chan-confician encounter in late imperial china: the chinese cultural habitus and the buddhist doxa (On-Cho Ng)
Part II: Zen Branches
Chapter 8. The zen explosion in america: from before the pre-boomers to after the zoomers (Charles S. Prebish)
Chapter 9. The role of zazen in D. T. Suzukis Zen (Richard M. Jaffe)
Chapter 10. Zen and the art of resistance (James Mark Shields)
Chapter 11. Soto zen womens wisdom in practice (Paula K. R. Arai)
Chapter 12. "Can you hear the great sound of the holy footsteps?" : A case study of the 650th death anniversary of Gasan Joseki (Michaela Mross)
Chapter 13. To tame an ox or to catch a fish: a zen reading of the old man and the sea (Pamela D. Winfield)
Chapter 14. Steven heine on the religio-aestthetic dimension of zen buddhism (Steven Odin)
Chapter 15. Existential dimesions of zen buiddhism: steven heine on dogen, heidigger, and bob dylan (Jin Y. Park).

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