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Deep Learning for Conversions between Melodic Frameworks of Indian Classical Music
Content-Based Image Retrieval System using Fuzzy Colour and Local Binary Pattern with Apache Lucene
Machine Vision Based Conveyor & Structural Health Monitoring Robot for Industrial Application using Deep Learning
Design and Development of Marathi Word Stemmer
Survey on Deep Learning System for Intruder Behaviour Detection and Classification in Cloud Computing
Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization using Deep Learning Approaches
Heart Disease Prediction using Decision Tree and SVM
Classification of Skin Diseases using Ensemble Method
An Integrated Decision Support System for Strom Surge Early Warning using SOA
Object Tracking and Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks
Novel Coronavirus Progression Analysis using Time Series Forecasting
A Modern Approach to Seed Quality Check and its Traceability in Agriculture
Experimental Face Recognition System using Deep Learning Approaches
Customer-Centric Ecommerce Implementing Artificial Intelligence for Better Sales and Service
Tomato Plant Disease Classification Using Deep Learning Architectures: A Review.

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