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Chapter 1. Decades of cultivar development: a reconciliation of maize and bean breeding projects and their impacts on food, nutrition security, and income of smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa
Chapter 2. From soil to fork: can sustainable intensification guarantee food security for smallholder farmers?
Chapter 3. Sub-Sarahan Africa Smallholder Farmers Agricultural Productivity: Risks and Challenges
Chapter 4. Integrated use of livestock manure and inorganic fertilizer for sustainable agricultural intensification on marginal soils in sub-Saharan Africa
Chapter 5. In-field soil conservation practices and crop productivity in marginalized farming areas of Zimbabwe
Chapter 6. Can organic soil fertility management sustain farming and increase food security among African smallholder farmers?- Chapter 7. Precision agriculture under arid environments: Prospects for African smallholder farmers
Chapter 8. Challenges and opportunities for soil fertility and food security improvement in smallholder maize-tobacco production systems: A case study from Svosve area, Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe
Chapter 9. On-farm research challenges for agronomic field trials in smallholder systems: A practical experience from Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme, South Africa
Chapter 10. Agricultural water resource governance for sustainable food production: Lessons from developing economies
Chapter 11. Aquaculture and fisheries production in africa: highlighting potentials and benefits for food security
Chapter 12. Medicinal plants: A perspective on their application in the African smallholder aquaculture farms
Chapter 13. Application of Integrated Water Resources Management towards livelihood improvement: a case of smallholder farmers in Olushandja, Namibia
Chapter 14. Climate Change Impacts on Food and Nutrition Security on Smallholder Farmers in Southern Africa
Chapter 15. Climate-smart agriculture: perspectives for subsistence crop farming in Namibia
Chapter 16. Smallholder Farmers Adaptation Strategies and Food security: Experiences from Zimbabwe
Chapter 17. Building resilience to climate change by adopting conservation agriculture in the smallholder farming systems
Chapter 18. Contribution of underutilised indigenous crops to enhanced food and nutrition security in the advent of climate change
Chapter 19. Liquid gold: Harnessing the potential of digestate to enhance smallholder farmer food security and livelihood
Chapter 20. Importance of Mushrooms for Food Security in Africa
Chapter 21. Mushroom cultivation in Arid Namibia: Cultivation status, contribution to human health and future prospect
Chapter 22. Can Women Own Land? Land Inheritances Convolutions: Evidence from the Zimbabwean Resettlement Areas
Chapter 23. The governance of aquaculture in Namibia as a vehicle for food security and economic growth
Chapter 24. A decade of agronomic research impact on commercializing traditional homestead production of amadumbe in Umbumbulu kwaZulu Natal.

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