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Chapter 1: Introduction: The far-right discourse on multiculturalism in intergroup interactions
Chapter 2: Mobilising gender equality and protectionism in Finnish parliamentary sessions and online discussions around immigration: An intersectional and critical discursive psychological analysis
Chapter 3: Underdogs Shepherding the Flock Discursive outgrouping of the internal enemy in action
Chapter 4: A critical discursive psychological study of Dialogical Constructions of Hate-speech in Established Media and Online Discussions
Chapter 5: Trying to Ignore the Bullies and the Buzz: a critical discursive study of How Pro-Migration Activists Cope With and Contest Right-Wing Nationalist Interference
Chapter 6: Making enemies: Reactive dynamics of discursive polarization
Chapter 7: From angry monologues to engaged dialogue? On self-reflexivity, critical discursive psychology and studying polarised conflict
Chapter 8: Affective visual rhetoric and discursive practices of the far-right across social media
Chapter 9: "A counterforce against hate" : A discursive analysis of affective practices in mobilization against the radical right in a context of white innocence
Chapter 10: Concluding remarks: The future of multiculturalism?

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