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1: Obesity and Diabetes
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Obesity and Its Diagnosis and Associated Complications
1.3 Diabetes and Its Diagnosis and Classification
1.4 Epidemiology of Obesity and Diabetes
1.5 Pathogenesis of Obesity and Diabetes
1.5.1 Pathogenesis of Obesity
1.5.2 Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes
1.5.3 Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes
1.6 Genetic, Epigenetic, and Environmental Risk Factors of Obesity and Diabetes

1.6.1 Genetic Risk Factors of Obesity
1.6.2 Genetic Risk Factors of Diabetes
1.6.3 Epigenetic Risk Factors of Obesity
1.6.4 Epigenetic Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes
1.6.5 Epigenetic Post-transcriptional Risk Factors of Obesity and Diabetes
1.6.6 Effect of Physical Exercise on Epigenetics
1.6.7 Environmental Risk Factors of Type 1 Diabetes
1.6.8 Environmental and Lifestyle Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes
1.7 Diet and Physical Exercise in the Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes
1.8 Impact of Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis on Obesity and Its Related Morbidities

1.9 Currently Available Pharmacotherapy of Obesity
1.10 Currently Available Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes
1.11 Vascular Complications of Diabetes
1.12 Summary and Future Perspectives
2: Elucidating Diversity in Obesity-Related Phenotypes Using Longitudinal and Multi-omic Approaches
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Classical Phenotyping in Obesity and Metabolic Disease
2.3 The Genomic Revolution Gives Way to Multi-omics
2.4 Applying Multi-omics in Obese Cohorts
2.5 Longitudinal Profiling of Patients Undergoing Diet Modulation

2.6 Microbiome-Host Interactions in Obesity
2.7 Summary and Future Perspectives
3: Impact of Probiotic and Prebiotic on Gut Microbiota in Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Gut Microbiota in Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
3.3 Probiotics
3.4 Prebiotics
3.4.1 Fibers
3.4.2 Polyphenols
3.5 Future Perspectives
4: Natural Products, a Potential Source of New Drugs Discovery to Combat Obesity and Diabetes: Their Efficacy and Multi-target ...
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Natural Products in Human Health Care and Diseases

4.3 Factors Affecting the Composition and Contents of Phytochemicals in Processed Vegetative Foods
4.3.1 Cultivar Effect
4.3.2 Propagation Effect
4.3.3 Effects of Environmental Factors
4.3.4 Harvesting Effect
4.3.5 Postharvest Storage Effect
4.3.6 Packaging Effect
4.3.7 Chemical Treatment Effect
4.3.8 Processing Effect
4.4 Inherent Properties of Natural Products in Prevention and Treatment of Human Diseases
4.5 Major Therapeutic Targets of Natural Products in Obesity Treatment
4.5.1 Lipase Inhibitory Effect
4.5.2 Suppressive Effect on Appetite

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